Motor Carrier will be accepting appointments for New Accounts and New Vehicles only. To set up an appointment please call 302.744.2702 or email DOT.MOTORCARRIER@DELAWARE.GOV
IFTA tax returns are to be filed by mail or online only at this time. IRP renewals and duplicate credentials shall be filed online, by email or mail only at this time.
Motor Carrier Online https://www.dmv.de.gov/services/MotorCarrier
EMAIL dot.motorcarrier@delaware.gov
Phone 302.744.2702
Password Expires Every 90 Days
Motor Carrier Online Access
Instructions to obtain access to your existing Motor Carrier Account.
We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover and EChecks.
Please contact us for assistance by
Telephone: 302-744-2702 or Via Email: DOT.MotorCarrier@delaware.gov
Thank you from the Delaware Motor Carrier Managers & Staff
"First Class Service from the First State"
If you are a licensing agent, Federal Employee, State of Delaware Employee requesting access to this application, please email DOT.MotorCarrier@delaware.gov. Your email should include your full name, agency or employer, and contact phone number for us to respond to your request.